100 famous Landmarks of the world No.19,21

100 famous landmark of the world

Places I dream of visiting in the future

Santorini, Greece
    I want to go Santorini because this place is very very beautiful island and has a white house in the same tone then it's a very outstanding architecture. The origin of this island is interesting that it's born from the volcano eruption. I want to see a sunset at Oia, the travelers said it was beautiful and I like this place because it's a quite and charming place

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Motonosumi Inari Shrine, Japan

    I want to go to this place because this place has a beautiful view to take a picture and it has located between mountain and sea that’s why it is very beautiful. And another reason that is I want to pray something for my family and myself because this place is famous for praying a wish come true.

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